Ἐλεύθερον φύλαττε τὸν σαυτοῦ τρόπον → Te liberum ipse moribus praesta tuis → Die Freiheit wahre deiner eignen Lebensart
P. and V. οἰκτρός, ἄθλιος, ταλαίπωρος, Ar. and V. τάλας, V. δυστάλας: see miserable.
mournful (of things): P. and V. ἄθλιος, οἰκτρός, ταλαίπωρος, V. πολύστονος, δύσοιστος, πένθιμος.
helpless: P. and V. ἄπορος, ἀμήχανος (rare P.).