Ὁ κόσμος σκηνή, ὁ βίος πάροδος· ἦλθες, εἶδες, ἀπῆλθες → The world is a stage, life is your entrance: you came, you saw, you departed (Democritus fr. 115 D-K)
Of things: use P. also V. ἀνειμένος; see also dirty.
Of persons, careless: Ar. and P. ἀμελής; see careless.
Do a thing, in a slovenly way, v.; P. ἐπισύρειν (acc.); see skimp.
In a slovenly way: P. ἀνέδην, οὐδένι κόσμῳ, χύδην.