From LSJ
ἁρμονίη ἀφανὴς φανερῆς κρείττων → the hidden attunement is better than the obvious one, invisible connection is stronger than visible, harmony we can't see is stronger than harmony we can, unseen harmony is stronger than what we can see
English (LSJ)
A uninitiated in Bacchic orgies, E.Ba.472: generally, joyless, Id.Or.319 :—in late Prose, Luc.Laps.3, Jul.Or.7.221d.
German (Pape)
[Seite 2] ohne Bacchische Begcisterung, αἳ ἀβάκχευτον θίασον ἐλάχετ' ἐν δάκρυσι καὶ γόοις, von den Eumeniden Eur. Or. 319; – nicht in die Bacchischen Mysterien eingeweiht, Bach. 472, wie Luc. Conviv. 3, wo τῶν Διονύσου ὀργίων ἀτέλεστος dabei steht.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἀβάκχευτος: ον = μὴ μεμυημένος εἰς τὰ βακχικὰ ὄργια, Εὐρ. Βάκχ. 472: ἐν γένει = ἄνευ χαρᾶς παρὰ τῷ αὐτῷ. Ὀρ. 319· ἴδε Λουκ. Λαπ. 3.