κοινὸν τύχη, γνώμη δὲ τῶν κεκτημένων → good luck is anyone's, judgment belongs only to those who possess it
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also ἐνδίδωμι): afford, display, exhibit, give, grant, lend, give in, give proof of, give way to, give way, hand over, yield to feelings, yield to
Lexicon Thucydideum
afferre, praebere, to furnish, supply, 2.49.4, [Bas. Basil edition ἐμποιοῦσα] 2.87.9,
in manus tradere, to hand over, 2.65.10, 4.66.3,
similiter Ib. similarly there 4.4.1. 4.76.3, 5.62.2, 7.48.2,
PASS. 4.89.1, 4.103.4,
Intrans. intransitive cedere, to give way, 2.12.1, 2.12.4, 2.18.5, 2.42.4. 2.65.12. 3.37.2, 3.60.1. 4.19.4, 4.104.5. 5.86.1. 6.72.2, 6.78.4, [vulgo commonly ἐνδώσωμεν, quod ne graecum quidem est which is not even Greek]. 7.66.3, 8.1.3. 8.54.1. 8.86.7,
item likewise 8.89.1.
loco cedere, inclinari, to give ground, incline (de acie concerning the battle line), 2.79.6, 2.81.6. 4.35.2. 4.35.4, 4.37.1, 4.44.1, 4.129.5. 5.10.9. 5.72.4, 5.73.1, 8.105.3.