ἐπιπόλαια γὰρ λέγομεν τὰ παντὶ δῆλα → by superficial we mean those that are obvious to all
English (LSJ)
τὸ, homeoteleuton, near rhyme, the like ending of two or more clauses or verses, Id.Rh.1410b1, Phld.Rh.1.162 S., D.S.12.53 (pl.): ὁμοιοτέλευτα (sc. κῶλα) Demetr.Eloc. 26; ὁμοιοτέλευτον διάνοιαν κατακλίνειν = end a sentence with ὁμοιοτέλευτον, S.E. M.2.57.
Wikipedia EN
Homeoteleuton, also spelled homoeoteleuton and homoioteleuton (from the Greek ὁμοιοτέλευτον, homoioteleuton, "like ending"), is the repetition of endings in words. Homeoteleuton is also known as near rhyme.
Homeoteleuton (homoioteleuton) was first identified by Aristotle in his Rhetoric, where he identifies it as two lines of verse which end with words having the same ending. He uses the example of:
ᾦηθησαν αὐτὸν παίδιον τετοκέναι
ἀλλ' αὐτοῦ αἴτιον γεγονέναι
they thought that he was the father of a child,
but that he was the cause of it (1410a20)
Wikipedia DE
Ein Homoioteleuton, bisweilen auch Homöoteleuton genannt (altgriechisch ὁμοιοτέλευτον homoiotéleuton), ist eine rhetorische Figur aus der Gruppe der Klangfiguren. Unter einem Homoioteleuton wird die Wiederholung derselben Wortendung in aufeinanderfolgenden Wörtern verstanden. Im Gegensatz zum Reim kann es sich dabei auch um unbetonte Wortendungen handeln (siehe unten das englische Beispiel mit rapidly und quickly, die sich nicht reimen).
Wikipedia IT
L'omotelèuto (o omeotelèuto o omoiotelèuto, dal Greco ὁμοιοτέλευτον, homoioteleuton, "finale simile") è una figura retorica che si ha quando due o più parole terminano alla stessa maniera o similmente. Ha un equivalente sintattico nell'omeottoto, che consiste invece nel far terminare le parole con gli stessi casi. La presenza di omoteleuti in un testo può causare, durante la copiatura di un manoscritto, un errore meccanico detto saut du même au même.