
From LSJ

πάντων χρηµάτων µέτρον ἐστίν ἄνθρωπος, τῶν µέν ὄντων ὡς ἐστιν, τῶν δέ οὐκ ὄντων ὡς οὐκ ἔστιν → man is the measure of all things, of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not (Protagoras fr.1)


German > Latin

ehrenrührig, contumeliosus (voller Schmach, schmachvoll). – probrosus (voller die Ehre kränkender Schmähworte). – ignominiosus (voller Beschimpfung). – iniuriosus (voller Beleidigungen, injuriös). – ein e. Brief, litterae in alqm contumeliosae; epistula plena omnium ir alqm probrorum: e. Worte, dicta ignominiosa; contumeliae verborum: e. Schrift, Gedicht, s. Schmähschrift, -gedicht. – Adv.contumeliose; probrose; ignominiose.