Βίων δύο ἔλεγε διδασκαλίας εἶναι θανάτου, τόν τε πρὸ τοῦ γενέσθαι χρόνον καὶ τὸν ὕπνον → Bion used to say that we have two teachers for death: the time before we were born and sleep | Bion said that there are two rehearsals for death: the time before being born and sleep
Latin > English
guttula guttulae N F :: little drop
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
guttŭla: ae, f.
dim. gutta,
I a little drop (ante- and post-class.): ah, guttula pectus mihi ardens aspersisti, Plaut. Ep. 4, 1, 27: favorum guttulae, Paul. Nol. Carm. 21, 427.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
guttŭla,¹⁶ æ, f. (gutta), petite goutte, gouttelette : Pl. Epid. 554.
Latin > German (Georges)
guttula, ae, f. (Demin. v. gutta), das Tröpfchen, Plaut. Epid. 554 G. Fulg. myth. 3, 8: favorum guttulae, Paul. Nol. carm. 21, 427. – übtr. = ein bißchen, Lampr. Alex. Sev. 44, 9.
Latin > Chinese
guttula, ae. f. :: 小滴