From LSJ
Πατὴρ οὐχ ὁ γεννήσας, ἀλλ' ὁ θρέψας σε → Non qui te genuit, est qui nutrivit pater → Dein Vater ist, wer Nahrung dir, nicht Leben gab | nicht Vater ist, wer Leben, sondern Nahrung gab
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. and V. μέγεθος, τό, ὄγκος, ὁ.
high position: P. and V. ἀξίωμα, τό.
influence (power of affecting things): P. and V. ῥοπή, ἡ.
self importance: P. and V. τὸ σεμνόν, σεμνότης, ἡ.
be of importance, matter, v.: P. and V. διαφέρω, διαφέρειν.
be a person of importance: P. and V. εἶναί τις.
of importance: use important.
consider of importance: P. περὶ πολλοῦ ποιεῖσθαι (acc.).
prior in importance: P. πρότερος τῇ δυνάμει (Dem. 32).
when their position rose to one of importance: P. προχωρησάντων ἐπὶ μέγα τῶν πραγμάτων (Thuc. 1, 16).