δὶς ἐξαμαρτεῖν ταὐτὸν οὐκ ἀνδρὸς σοφοῦ → a wise man should not keep making the same mistake, a wise man should not repeat the same mistake, doing twice the same mistake is not a wise man's doing, making the same mistake twice does not befit the wise, making the same mistake twice does not belong to a man who is wise, making the same mistake twice does not belong to a wise man, the wise man does not make the same mistake twice, to commit the same sin twice is not a sign of a wise man, it is unwise to err twice
Esperanto: procesema; German: prozessfreudig, klagefreudig, klagewütig; Greek: δικομανής, φιλόδικος; Ancient Greek: ἀηδοποιός, δικανικός, δικορράφος, ἐγκληματικός, παλίνδικος, πολύδικος, πολυνεικής, φιλαίτιος, φιλεχθής, φιληλιαστής, φιλόδικος; Ido: procesema; Latin: litigiosus