ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν νῦν στῆθι καὶ ἄμπνυε → but you, stop now and catch your breath | but do thou now stand, and get thy breath
English (LSJ)
τό (v.l. βλῆχρον, as in Sch.Theoc.3.14, Cyr. (βλήχρα Hsch.)), = πτέρις, male fern, Aspidium filix-mas, Dsc.4.184.
Spanish (DGE)
v. βλάχνον.
German (Pape)
[Seite 449] τό, ein Farrenkraut, Diosc. l. d.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
βλῆχνον: τό, εἶδος πτερίδος, Διοσκ. 4. 186.
Greek Monolingual
βλ. βλέχνο.
Frisk Etymological English
Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: male fern, Aspidium Filix-mas.
Other forms: also βλῆχρον (Dsc.), βλήχρα H., also βλᾶχνον (Phan. Hist), βλᾶχρον Η.
Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]
Etymology: No etymology. S. Rohlfs, Sybaris 124, Sprache 5 (1959) 175 n. 2, Glotta 38 (1959) 103. The variation r/n not from an r/n-stem (Poultney, AJPh. 41 (1970) 374), but Pre-Greek: Fur. 388.
Frisk Etymology German
βλῆχνον: {blē̃khnon}
Forms: auch βλῆχρον (Dsk., Sch.), βλήχρα H.
Grammar: n.,
Meaning: Farnkraut.
Etymology: Ohne Etymologie.
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