ὁ δ' εὖ ἔρδων θεοὺς ἐλπίδι κυδροτέρᾳ σαίνει κέαρ → but he who does well to the gods cheers his heart with a more glorious hope
Full diacritics: βουκολίζω | Medium diacritics: βουκολίζω | Low diacritics: βουκολίζω | Capitals: ΒΟΥΚΟΛΙΖΩ |
Transliteration A: boukolízō | Transliteration B: boukolizō | Transliteration C: voukolizo | Beta Code: boukoli/zw |
= βουκολιάζομαι, Eust.1416.39.
apacentar Eust.1416.38.