ἔνδον γὰρ ἁνὴρ ἄρτι τυγχάνει, κάρα στάζων ἱδρῶτι καὶ χέρας ξιφοκτόνους → yes, the man is now inside, his face and hands that have slaughtered with the sword dripping with sweat
Greek Monolingual
και ασχήμια και ασκήμια και ασκημιά, η (Μ ἀσχημία και ἀσκημία και ἀσχημιά και ἀσκημιά)
1. το να είναι κάποιος άσχημος, δύσμορφος, η δυσμορφία
2. ανάρμοστη πράξη.
Asturian: feúra; Bulgarian: грозота; Catalan: lletgesa, lletjor; Czech: ošklivost; Danish: grimhed; Dutch: lelijkheid; Esperanto: malbeleco; Finnish: rumuus; French: laideur; Galician: fealdade; German: Hässlichkeit; Greek: ασχήμια; Ancient Greek: ἀηδία, αἶσχος, αἶσχρος, αἰσχρότης, ἀκοσμία, ἀμορφία, ἀπρέπεια, ἀσχημοσύνη, δυσείδεια, δυσμορφία, δυσπρέπεια, δυσχέρεια, εἰδέχθεια, τὸ ἀκαλλές, τὸ ἀπρεπές, τὸ ἄσχημον, τὸ εἰδεχθές; Hungarian: csúnyaság; Irish: gráinneacht; Italian: bruttezza; Japanese: 醜; Korean: 추함; Kurdish Central Kurdish: ناشرینی; Latin: deformitas, turpitudo; Latvian: neglītums; Persian: زشتی, قبح; Polish: brzydota; Portuguese: feiura, fealdade; Russian: уродство; Spanish: fealdad, feúra; Swedish: fulhet; Turkish: çirkinlik; Welsh: hagrwch, hyllter