ἀσκέειν, περὶ τὰ νουσήματα, δύο, ὠφελέειν, ἢ μὴ βλάπτειν → strive, with regard to diseases, for two things — to do good, or to do no harm | as to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm
Full diacritics: τηλέβῐος | Medium diacritics: τηλέβιος | Low diacritics: τηλέβιος | Capitals: ΤΗΛΕΒΙΟΣ |
Transliteration A: tēlébios | Transliteration B: tēlebios | Transliteration C: tilevios | Beta Code: thle/bios |
A long-lived, ὁσίην ἀσπίδα τηλέβιον, of a sacred serpent, Puchstein Epigr.Gr.p.76 (Memphis, i B.C.).
-ον, Α
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < τηλ(ε)- + -βιος (< βίος), πρβλ. αμφί-βιος].