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Νέμεσις προλέγει τῷ πήχεϊ τῷ τε χαλινῷ μήτ' ἄμετρόν τι ποιεῖν μήτ' ἀχάλινα λέγειν → Nemesis warns us by her cubit-rule and bridle neither to do anything without measure nor to be unbridled in our speech

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Full diacritics: βάσσος Medium diacritics: βάσσος Low diacritics: βάσσος Capitals: ΒΑΣΣΟΣ
Transliteration A: bássos Transliteration B: bassos Transliteration C: vassos Beta Code: ba/ssos

English (LSJ)

εος, τό,

   A = βασσάρα, EM191.1.

Frisk Etymological English

Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: οὑδετέρως [neuter] ἡ βῆσσα H.
Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably]
Etymology: Schwyzer RhM 81, 199f. (who rejects the accentuation βᾶσσος) proposes *βάθ-σος (on the suffix Schwyzer 513). Beside βῆσσα we have Dor. βᾶσσα, so the word could be a variant of βῆσσα if this word is Pre-Greek.. Unclear DELG. From this word Lat. bassus lowly Kretschmer Glotta 22, 258f.; quite uncertain. - S. βῆσσα und βαθύς.

Frisk Etymology German

βάσσος: {bássos}
Meaning: οὐδετέρως·βῆσσα H.
Etymology : Vielleicht mit Schwyzer RhM 81, 199f. (wo gegen die herkömmliche Akzentuierung βᾶσσος) aus *βάθσος (zum Suffix Schwyzer 513 m. Lit.). Über die Möglichkeit, vulgärlat. bassus niedrig daraus herzuleiten, s. Kretschmer Glotta 22, 258f.; dazu W.-Hofmann s. v. 1, 851. — Vgl. βῆσσα und βαθύς.
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