οὐ μακαριεῖς τὸν γέροντα, καθ' ὅσον γηράσκων τελευτᾷ, ἀλλ' εἰ τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς συμπεπλήρωται· ἕνεκα γὰρ χρόνου πάντες ἐσμὲν ἄωροι → do not count happy the old man who dies in old age, unless he is full of goods; in fact we are all unripe in regards to time
Latin > English
colaphus colaphi N M :: blow with fist; buffet, cuff; box on ear (L+S)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
cŏlăphus: i, m., = κόλαφος,
I a blow with the fist, a cuff, a box on the ear: icere, Plaut. Pers. 5, 2, 65 Ritschl: ducere, Quint. 6, 3, 83.—In plur.: in cerebro colaphos abstrudere, Plaut. Rud. 4, 3, 68; cf.: infringere alicui, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 45; Plin. 8, 36, 54, § 130: incutere alicui, Juv. 9, 5: perpeti, Plaut. Capt. 1, 1, 20; Ter. Ad. 2, 2, 37.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
cŏlăphus,¹³ ī, m. (κόλαφος), coup de poing : Ter. Ad. 245 ; colaphum icere Pl. Pers. 846 [mss], donner un coup de poing ; colaphum alicui ducere Quint. 6, 3, 83, donner un coup de poing à qqn (incutere Juv. 9, 5) ; in cerebro colaphos apstrudam tuo Pl. Rud. 1007, je te bourrerai le crâne de coups de poing ; colaphos infregit mihi Ter. Ad. 199, il m’a bourré de coups de poing.
Latin > German (Georges)
colaphus, ī, m. (κόλαφος), ein Schlag mit den Knöcheln der geballten Faust, der Faustschlag, colapho icere od. ferire alqm, Plaut. u. Nepot.: colaphum alci ducere, Quint., dare, Spart.: alci colaphos infringere, Ter.: ab alqo flagris, ferulis, colaphis vapulare, Sen.: colaphis caedi, Sen. u. Augustin.: colapho od. colaphis percussus, Sen. – Colaphus scherzh. Name eines Sklaven, etwa Schelle, Plaut. capt. 657.
Latin > Chinese
colaphus, i. m. :: 拳頭。 Colaphum ducere vel incutere ei 打彼拳頭。