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ὥσπερ σελήνη γ' ἡλίῳ· τὴν μὲν χρόαν ἰδεῖν ὁμοιόν ἔστι θάλπει δ' οὐδαμῶςlike the moon to the sun: its color is similar to the eye, but it does not give off any heat


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

cānĭtūdo: ĭnis, f. id. (ante-class. access. form of the preced.),
I a gray color, hoariness: capitis, Plaut. ap. Paul. ex Fest. p. 62 Müll.—Absol., Varr. ap. Non. p. 82, 24.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

cānĭtūdō, ĭnis, f., c. canities ; Pl. d. Fest. 62.