οὕτω γὰρ συμβαίνει ἅμα καὶ ἡ τῶνδε εὐγένεια κοσμουμένη → for by so doing we shall also celebrate therewith the noble birth of these heroes
Full diacritics: νάρκωσις | Medium diacritics: νάρκωσις | Low diacritics: νάρκωσις | Capitals: ΝΑΡΚΩΣΙΣ |
Transliteration A: nárkōsis | Transliteration B: narkōsis | Transliteration C: narkosis | Beta Code: na/rkwsis |
εως, ἡ, A narcosis, a benumbing, γνώμης Id.Aph.5.16.
[Seite 230] ἡ, Erstarrung, Betäubung, sp. Medic.