Βουλῆς γὰρ ὀρθῆς οὐδὲν ἀσφαλέστερον → Nam tutior res nulla consilio bono → Denn nichts führt weniger irre als ein guter Rat
English (LSJ)
οὐθέν, later form for οὐδείς, οὐδέν, found in Att. Inscrr. from 378 B.C. onwards along with οὐδείς, which it supersedes entirely from about 325 B.C. to 100 B.C. (forty examples of θ, none of δ) ; οὐθείς is in a majority in Ptolemaic papyri up to about 130 B.C., after which οὐδείς begins to be common, but does not prevail until i A. D.; the evidence of non-Att. Inscrr. is in general agreement with the foregoing; codd. of Th., Antipho, And., Lys., and Hdt. never have οὐθείς, but the θ forms are freq. in those of Pl., X., Isoc., D., Hyp., Arist., and Thphr., freq. as variants for the δ forms; also in Hellenistic writers, Teles, Plb., etc.; the frequency of θ forms in the uncials of LXX varies roughly according to the date (known or probable) of the translation of the book in question (though the δ forms are in a large majority in the LXX as a whole); the θ forms are rare in codd. of Str. and later writers.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
οὐθείς: οὐθέν, μεταγεν. τύπος ἀντὶ οὐδείς, ἢ οὐδέν, πιθαν. εἰσήχθη παρὰ τῶν Βοιωτῶν μετὰ τὴν ἐν Λεύκτροις μάχην, ἴδεTrendelenb. εἰς Ἀριστ. π. Ψυχῆς 1. 1, 5. Εὕρηται ἐκ παραλλήλου μετὰ τοῦ οὐδεὶς ἐν Ἀντιγράφοις τοῦ Ἀριστ. καὶ Θεοφρ., καὶ ἐπεκράτησε παρὰ τοῖς μεταγεν., ὥστε Διον. ὁ Ἁλικ. μνημονεύων ἐκ τοῦ Θουκ. ἢ Δημοσθ. χωρία μεταβάλλει τὸ οὐδεὶς εἰς οὐθείς· ἴδε Λοβέκ. εἰς Φρύνιχ. 181 κἑξ.