ἑτέρως ἠδύνατο βέλτιον ἢ ὡς νῦν ἔχει κατεσκευάσθαι → otherwise they could have been constructed better than they are now (Galen, On the use of parts of the body 4.143.1 Kühn)
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
verb transitive
take possession of: Ar. and P. καταλαμβάνειν.
hold: P. and V. ἔχειν, κατέχειν.
they themselves occupied the rest of the line (of battle): P. τὸ ἄλλο αὐτοὶ ἐπεῖχον (Thuc.).
he occupies the end of the line: V. τάξιν ἐσχάτην ἔχει (Sophocles, Ajax 4).
dwell in: P. and V. ἔχειν (acc.), νέμειν (rare P.) (acc.), νέμεσθαι (mid.) (acc.); see inhabit.
employ (time, etc.): Ar. and P. διατρίβειν, κατατρίβειν; see spend.
engage (attention, etc.): P. and V. κατέχειν (Euripides, Alcibiades 344).
the Athenians were occupied in Melos: P. ἐν τῇ Μήλῳ οἱ Ἀθηναῖοι κατείχοντο (Thuc. 3, 94, cf., Sophocles, Trachiniae 249).
occupy oneself: Ar. and P. πραγματεύεσθαι, διατρίβειν.
be occupied in: P. πραγματεύεσθαι (acc., or περί, acc., or gen.), Ar. and P. διατρίβειν (ἐν, dat.), ἐνδιατρίβειν (dat.).