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ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν νῦν στῆθι καὶ ἄμπνυε → but you, stop now and catch your breath | but do thou now stand, and get thy breath


Latin > English

oscillum oscilli N N :: swing; (Cal)
oscillum oscillum oscilli N N :: small face; (mask hung on trees); small mouth (in a seed)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

oscillum: i, n.
dim. 1. os; lit. little mouth; hence,
I A little cavity in the middle of leguminous fruits, where the germ sprouts forth: oscilla lupinorum, Col. 2, 10, 3.—*
II A little image of the face, a little mask of Bacchus, hung from trees, so as to be easily moved by the wind: tibique (Bacche) Oscilla ex altā suspendunt mollia pinu, Verg. G. 2, 389; cf. Serv. ad loc.; Macr. S. 1, 7; 11.
oscillum: i, n. ob- or obs-cillo,
I a swing, Fest. p. 194 Müll.; Verg. G. 2, 389 (v. Serv. ad loc.); Tert. Pall. 1 fin.>

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) ōscillum,¹⁶ ī, n. (os 1), cavité d’où part le germe [du lupin] : Col. Rust. 2, 10, 3 || oscille [figurine qu’on suspendait aux arbres en offrande à Saturne et à Bacchus : Virg. G. 2, 389 et Serv. ; Macr. Sat. 1, 7, 31.
(2) oscillum, ī, n. (obs, cillo), balançoire : Myth. 1, 19 ; Fest. 194.

Latin > German (Georges)

(1) ōscillum1, ī, n. (Demin. v. 1. ōs), das Mündchen, dah. I) das Grübchen in der Mitte der Hülfenfrüchte, wo der Keim herauswächst, Colum. 2, 10, 3. – II) eine kleine Maske, besonders Wachsbildchen des Bacchus, die man an der Feldmark aufhängte, um böse Geister abzuwehren, Verg. georg. 2, 389. Macr. sat. 1, 7. § 31. u. 11. § 48.
(2) oscillum2, ī, n. (v. ob od. obs u. cilleo od. cillo = moveo) = αἰώρα, die Hängematte, die Schaukel, bes. beim Bacchusdienste, Fest. 194 (b), 8. Tert. de pall. 1 extr. (dazu Salmasius s. 130). Mythogr. Lat. 1, 19 extr. Schol. ad Caes. German. Arat. 95. p. 389, 10 Eyss.: oscillis moveri, Fest. 194 (b), 25: oscillo iactari, Schol. ad Caes. German. Arat. 95. p. 389, 12 Eyss.

Latin > Chinese

oscillum, i. n. (os.) :: 畧口親。鞦韆。Oscilla. plur. 供神之小坭像。