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Latin > English

transgressus transgressus N M :: crossing to the other side

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

transgressus: a, um, Part. of transgredior.
transgressus: ūs, m. transgredior,
I a passing over, passage (very rare); mostly abl. sing.: auspicium prosperi transgressus, Tac. A. 6, 43 (37): vitare proelium in transgressu, Sall. Fragm. ap. Gell. 10, 26, 2 (id. H. 1, 65 Dietsch): in transgressu amnis, Tac. A. 11, 10: Euphratis, id. ib. 15, 7.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) trānsgressus, a, um, part. de transgredior.
(2) trānsgressŭs, ūs, m., action de franchir, traversée : Tac. Ann. 6, 37 ; 11, 10 ; cf. Sall. d. Gell. 10, 26, 1.

Latin > German (Georges)

trānsgressus, ūs, m. (transgredior), das Überschreiten, der Übergang über ein Gewässer, auspicium prosperi transgressus, Tac. ann. 6, 37: vitare proelium in transgressu conatus est, Sall. hist. fr. 1, 65 (64); vgl. Gell. 10, 26, 1 sqq. – m. obj. Genet., amnis, Tac. ann. 11, 10: u. so Euphratis, Tac. ann. 15, 7.

Latin > Chinese

transgressus, us. m. :: 過彼邊