τὸν θάνατον τί φοβεῖσθε, τὸν ἡσυχίης γενετῆρα, τὸν παύοντα νόσους καὶ πενίης ὀδύνας → why fear ye death, the parent of repose, who numbs the sense of penury and pain
vāro: āre, v. a. 1. varus,
I to bend, curve (late Lat.): alveos pontium, Auct. Limit. p. 257 Goes.: flumen, id. ib. p. 285.
vāro: ōnis, m.,
I a stupid, boorish fellow, a clodpate, Lucil. ap. Fest. s. v. squarrosi, pp. 328 and 329 Müll.