Ἰδίας νόμιζε τῶν φίλων τὰς συμφοράς → Tuas amicus crede amici miserias → Betracht' als eignes deiner Freunde Missgeschick
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
excellent: P. and V. σπουδαῖος.
prime-mover: P. and V. ἡγεμών, ὁ or ἡ, P. ἐξηγητής, ὁ.
prime-mover in: P. and V. ἡγεμών, ὁ or ἡ (gen.), ἀρχηγός, ὁ or ἡ (gen.), P. ἐξηγητής, ὁ (gen.), V. ἀρχηγέτης, ὁ (gen.).
the prime mover in all this business: P., ὁ πάντων τούτων ἀρχιτέκτων (Dem. 1018).
prime of life: P. and V. ἥβη, ἡ, ἀκμή, ἡ, ὥρα, ἡ, P. ὥρα ἡλικίας, Ar. and P. ἡλικία, ἡ.
be in one's prime, v.: P. and V. ἡβᾶν, ἀκμάζειν.
Of things: P. and V. ἀκμάζειν.
in one's prime: use also adj., P. and V. ὡραῖος, V. ἀκμαῖος, χλωρός, θαλερός, Ar. and P. νεαλής, Ar. ὡρικός.
be past one's prime: P. παρηβηκέναι (perf. of παρηβᾶν).
he who is past his prime: V. ὁ ἔξηβος χρόνῳ (Aesch., Seven Against Thebes 11).
verb transitive
prepare a person: P. κατασκευάζειν.
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
prīmē: adv., v. primus.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
prīmē (primus), en première ligne, éminemment : Næv. Com. 1 ; Pl. *Mil. 794 ; Char. 211, 8 ; Prisc. Gramm. 3, 13.
Latin > German (Georges)
prīmē, Adv. (primus), besonders, vorzüglich, prime proba, Naev. com. 1: prime cata, Plaut. mil. 794 R. u. L. (Brix apprime cata): lac caprinum tonsillis prime medetur, Marc. Emp. 15. fol. 106 (b): caprini corii cinis ex oleo inlitus perniones prime abolet, ibid. 34. fol. 135 (a). Vgl. Charis. 211, 8. Prisc. 3, 13.
Latin > Chinese
prime. adv. :: 甚然