From LSJ
Τὸ μανθάνειν δ' ἥδιστον εὖ λέγοντος, εἰ κέρδος λέγοι → It is the sweetest thing to learn from one speaking well, if they speak profitably
Τὸ μανθάνειν δ' ἥδιστον εὖ λέγοντος, εἰ κέρδος λέγοι → It is the sweetest thing to learn from one speaking well, if they speak profitably
Full diacritics: βομβύλη | Medium diacritics: βομβύλη | Low diacritics: βομβύλη | Capitals: ΒΟΜΒΥΛΗ |
Transliteration A: bombýlē | Transliteration B: bombylē | Transliteration C: vomvyli | Beta Code: bombu/lh |
ἡ, A = λήκυθος, Hsch., Sch.A.R.2.569.
[Seite 453] ἡ, 1) eine Bienenart. – 2) ein enghalsiges Gefäß, das beim Ausgießen einen glucksenden Ton von sich giebt, Schol. Ap. Rh. 2, 569.
βομβύλη: ἡ, = βομβύλιος, Σχόλ. εἰς Ἀπολλ. Ρόδ. Β. 569.