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Τὸν εὐτυχοῦντα καὶ φρονεῖν νομίζομεν → Fortuna famam saepe dat prudentiae → Von dem der glücklich, glaubt man auch, dass er klar denkt

Menander, Monostichoi, 497

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Arsĭnŏē: ēs, and Arsĭnŏa, ae, f., = Ἀρσινόη.
I Arsinoa, mother of the third Mercury, Cic. N. D. 3, 22, 57.—
II Arsinoë, daughter of Ptolemy Lagus and Berenice, wife of king Lysimachus, afterwards of her brother Ptolemy Philadelphus, Just. 17, 1; 17, 2; 24, 2.—Hence, Arsĭnŏēum, i, n., the monument erected to her by the latter, Plin. 36, 9, 14, § 68.—
III A daughter of Lysimachus, the first wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus; after her death worshipped as Venus Zephyritis, Plin. 34, 14, 42, § 148.—
A daughter of Ptolemy Auletes, sister of Cleopatra, Auct. B. Alex. 4 and 33; Luc. 10, 521.—
One of the Hyades, Hyg. Fab. 182.—
The name of several towns,
   A In Lower Egypt, Plin. 5, 9, 11, § 61.—
   B In Cyrenaica, Mel. 1, 8, 2; 3, 8, 7; Plin. 1, c.—
   C In Cilicia, Plin. 5, 27, 22, § 92.—Hence, Arsĭnŏē-tĭcus, a, um, adj., of or pertaining to Ar-sinoe: aqua, Plin. 36, 22, 47, § 165.—
   D A town on the north side of Cyprus, Plin. 5, 31, 35, § 130.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) Arsĭnŏē,¹⁴ ēs, f., et -sĭnŏa, æ, f., (Ἀρσινόη),
1 une des Hyades : Hyg. Fab. 182 ; cf. Cic. Nat. 3, 57
2 nom de plusieurs reines d’Égypte : Plin. 34, 148, etc.
(2) Arsĭnŏē, ēs, f., nom de plusieurs villes d’Égypte et de Cilicie : Plin. 5, 61 ; Mela 1, 40 || -ŏĭtĭcus, a, um, d’Arsinoé : Plin. 35, 165.

Latin > German (Georges)

Arsinoē, es, f. (Ἀρσινόη), I) weibl. Name, unter dem bei röm. Schriftst. vorkommen: A) Tochter des Ptolemäus Lagi u. der Berenike, Gemahlin des Königs Lyjimachus, später ihres Bruders Ptolemäus Philadelphus, Iustin. 17, 1 sq.; 24, 2. Plin. 34, 148; nach ihrem Tode als Venus Zephyritis (auf dem afrikan. Vorgebirge Zephyrium) verehrt, Catull. 66, 54 u. 57: Plur., Arnob. 4, 26. – Dav. Arsinoēum, ī, n., das ihr von Ptol Philad. errichtete Denkmal, Plin. 36, 68. – B) Tochter des Ptol. Auletes, Schwester der Kleopatra, Auct. b. Alex. 4, 1. Lucan. 10, 521. – C) eine der Hyaden, Hyg. fab. 182. – II) Name mehrerer Städte. – A) Stadt Alt-Ätoliens am Achelous (beim heutigen Anghelokastro), Cic. Pis. 91. – B) Stadt in Cyrenaika (sonst Teuchira gen.), Plin. 5, 32. Amm. 22, 16, 4. – C) Stadt in Cilicien, Plin. 5, 92, wov. Arsinoiticus, a, um, arsinoitisch, aqua, Plin. 36, 165.

Wikipedia EN

Arsinoe Ancient Greek: Ἀρσινόη, romanized: Arsinoë, pronounced Arsinoi in modern Greek, may refer to:


  • Arsinoe of Macedon, mother of Ptolemy I Soter
  • Apama II or Arsinoe (c. 292 BC–after 249 BC), wife of Magas of Cyrene and mother of Berenice II
  • Arsinoe, probable mother of Lysimachus or his first wife Nicaea of Macedon
  • Arsinoe I (305 BC–247 BC) of Egypt
  • Arsinoe II (316 BC–270 BC) of Egypt
  • Arsinoe III of Egypt (c. 246 BC–204 BC)
  • Arsinoe IV of Egypt (died 41 BC), half-sister of Cleopatra VII
  • Arsinoe (mythology), name of multiple mythological figures


  • Arsinoe (Cilicia)
  • Arsinoe (Crete)
  • Arsinoe (Northwest Cyprus)
  • Arsinoe (Southwest Cyprus)
  • Arsinoe (Gulf of Suez), a port of Egypt
  • Arsinoe (Eritrea)
  • Conope (Greece) or Arsinoe
  • Ephesus, also called Arsinoe
  • Faiyum (Egypt), also called Arsinoe or Crocodilopolis, seat of the Roman Catholic titular bishopric Arsinoë in Arcadia
  • Famagusta (Cyprus) or Arsinoe
  • Coressia (Greece), called Arsinoe in the Hellenistic period
  • Methana (Greece), called Arsinoe in the Ptolemaic period
  • Olbia (Egypt) or Arsinoe
  • Patara (Lycia) or Arsinoe
  • Taucheira (Libya) or Arsinoe
  • Arsinoes Chaos, located in the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle on Mars