Sunt verba voces quibus hunc lenire dolorem possis, magnam morbi deponere partem → Words will avail the wretched mind to ease and much abate the dismal black disease.
Full diacritics: σαώτωρ | Medium diacritics: σαώτωρ | Low diacritics: σαώτωρ | Capitals: ΣΑΩΤΩΡ |
Transliteration A: saṓtōr | Transliteration B: saōtōr | Transliteration C: saotor | Beta Code: saw/twr |
ορος, ὁ, = σωτήρ, Maiist.4 (pl.).
-ορος, ὁ, Α
(ποιητ. τ.) σωτήρας.
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < μέλλ. σαώσω του σαῶ + επίθημα -τωρ].