οἱ Κυρηναϊκοὶ δόξαις ἐχρῶντο τοιαύταις: δύο πάθη ὑφίσταντο, πόνον καὶ ἡδονήν, τὴν μὲν λείαν κίνησιν, τὴν ἡδονήν, τὸν δὲ πόνον τραχεῖαν κίνησιν → the Cyrenaics admitted two sensations, pain and pleasure, the one consisting in a smooth motion, pleasure, the other a rough motion, pain
Latin > English
sufflamen sufflaminis N N :: brake, drag, hindrance
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
sufflāmen: ĭnis, n. id.,
I a clog, break, drag-chain, to check the motion of a wheel.
I Lit.: rotam astringit multo sufflamine, Juv. 8, 148: tardat sufflamine currum, Prud. Psych. 417.—
II Trop., a clog, hinderance, impediment (post-class.): nec res atteritur longo sufflamine litis, Juv. 16, 50; Inscr. Grut. 180, 3.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
sufflāmĕn,¹⁵ ĭnis, n. (sufflo), sabot pour enrayer : Juv. 8, 148 || [fig.] obstacle, entrave : Juv. 16, 50.
Latin > German (Georges)
sufflāmen, inis, n., die Radsperre, Hemmkette, der Hemmschuh, I) eig., Iuven. 8, 148. Prud. psych. 416. – II) übtr. = Hindernis, litis, Iuven. 16, 50.