τὸ ἓν καὶ τὸ ὂν πολλαχῶς λέγεται → the term being and the term one are used in many ways, one and being have various meanings, one and being have many senses
Full diacritics: θλῐβώδης | Medium diacritics: θλιβώδης | Low diacritics: θλιβώδης | Capitals: ΘΛΙΒΩΔΗΣ |
Transliteration A: thlibṓdēs | Transliteration B: thlibōdēs | Transliteration C: thlivodis | Beta Code: qlibw/dhs |
A oppressive, Aq.Ge.32.7(8).
[Seite 1212] ες, beengend, belästigend, Sp.