κοινὴ γὰρ ἡ τύχη καὶ τὸ μέλλον ἀόρατον → fortune is common to all, the future is unknown | fortune is common to all and the future unknown | fate is common to all and the future unknown
P. and V. βακχεῖαι, αἱ (Plato), V. βάκχευσις, ἡ, βάκχευμα, τό, or pl., βακχεῖον, τό (pl. in Ar.), τελεταὶ εὔιοι, αἱ.
bacchanalia, ium vel orum. n. :: 酒神 戲。Vivunt bacchanalia. (acc.) 此等人酒色無度。