From LSJ
Εὐνοῦχος ἄλλο θηρίον τῶν ἐν βίῳ → Eunuchus, alia vitam spurcans bestia → Ein weitres Lebensungetüm ist der Eunuch
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also ζητέω): examine, scrutinise, seek, aspire to, go in quest of, hunt for, inquire into, investigate judicially, look for, search for, seek after, seek for, seek to get, strive after
Lexicon Thucydideum
quaerere, indagari, to seek out, investigate, 3.38.7, 3.67.7, 6.61.7, 7.44.4,
PASS. 6.27.2,
rogare, to ask, request, 1.23.5,
conari, to try, attempt, 3.39.2.