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Ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆμος ἐτίμησεν... → The Council and the People honored... (inscription in the Roman city of Aizonai)

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Full diacritics: διόγκωσις Medium diacritics: διόγκωσις Low diacritics: διόγκωσις Capitals: ΔΙΟΓΚΩΣΙΣ
Transliteration A: diónkōsis Transliteration B: dionkōsis Transliteration C: diogkosis Beta Code: dio/gkwsis

English (LSJ)

-εως, ἡ,
A swelling, Sor.1.55, Plu.2.771b; tumour, Gal.1.185.
II diastole, Marcellin. Puls.478.

Spanish (DGE)

-εως, ἡ
1 hinchazón τῆς γαστρός Sor.39.31, μαστῶν Sor.99.19, Plu.2.771b
tumor σπληνὸς φλεγμονὴ καὶ δ. Gal.7.470, cf. 1.185.
2 diástole, dilatación del pulso, Marcellin.Puls.478.

German (Pape)

[Seite 632] ἡ, das Anschwellen, Geschwulst, Plut. amat. 25; Medic.

French (Bailly abrégé)

εως (ἡ) :
enflure, gonflement.
Étymologie: διά, ὀγκόω.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

διόγκωσις: -εως, ἡ, ἔπαρσις, κόμπος, Πλούτ. 2. 771Β· πρήξιμον, Γαλην. 2. 325., 7. 154.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

διόγκωσις: εως ἡ разбухание, вздутие, опухание (sc. τῆς σαρκός Plut.).