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ἀλλ᾽ ἀμφὶ τοῖς σφαλεῖσι μὴ 'ξ ἑκουσίας ὀργὴ πέπειρα → to those who err in judgment, not in will, anger is gentle | men's wrath is softened toward those who have erred unwittingly


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

dispŭtātĭuncŭla: ae, f.
dim. disputatio,
I a short discussion, trivial dispute, Sen. Ep. 117 med.; Gell. 1, 3 fin.>

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

dispŭtātĭuncŭla,¹⁶ æ, f., dim. de disputatio, petite discussion : Sen. Ep. 117, 25 ; Gell. 1, 3, 30.