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L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelleLove that moves the sun and the other stars

Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, XXXIII, v. 145

Latin > English

maculo maculare, maculavi, maculatus V :: spot; pollute; dishonor, taint

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

măcŭlo: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. 1. macula,
I to make spotted, to spot, speckle, variegate.
I Lit.
   A In gen. (only poet.), to stain, tinge, dye: telas maculare ostro, Val. Fl. 4, 368: et multo maculatum murice tigrim, id. 6, 704.—
   B In partic., to spot, stain, defile, pollute: maculari corpus maculis luridis, Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 63: solum sanguine, Cat. 63, 7; cf.: terram tabo, Verg. A. 3, 29: dextra maculata cruore, Ov. de Nuce, 157.—
II Trop. (acc. to I. B.), to defile, dishonor, disgrace, etc. (freq. in Cic.): rex ille optimi regis caede maculatus, Cic. Rep. 2, 25, 46; cf.: partus suos parricidio, Liv. 1, 13: nemora nefario stupro, Cic. Mil. 31, 85: Catonis splendorem, id. Sest. 28, 60: tuum maculavi crimine nomen, Verg. A. 10, 851: inde metus maculat poenarum praemia vitae, spoils, Lucr. 5, 1151: obsoleta quoque (verba) et maculantia ex sordidiore vulgi usu ponit, Gell. 16, 7, 4.—Hence, măcŭ-lātim, adv., in a spotted or mottled fashion (late Lat.), Aug. Gen. ad Lit. 5, 10.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

măcŭlō,¹¹ āvī, ātum, āre (macula), tr.,
1 marquer, tacheter : Val. Flacc. 4, 368 ; 6, 704
2 tacher, souiller : Catul. 63, 7 ; Virg. En. 3, 29 || [fig.] flétrir, déshonorer : Cic. Rep. 2, 46 ; Sest. 60 ; Mil. 85 ; Liv. 1, 13, 2 ; maculantia verba Gell. 16, 7, 4, mots faisant tache || altérer, corrompre : Lucr. 5, 1151.

Latin > German (Georges)

maculo, āvī, ātum, āre (macula), I) gefleckt-, bunt machen, Val. Flacc. 4, 368; 6, 704. – II) insbes., im üblen Sinne, 1) tr. fleckig machen, beflecken, durch Flecke besudeln, a) eig.: viden tu illi maculari corpus maculis luridis, Plaut.: recente terrae sola sanguine maculans, Catull.: exiguo maculavit sanguine ferrum, Ov.: candor corporum magis sanguine atro maculabatur, Liv.: terram tabe maculant, Verg.: castra sunt cruenta et maculata, blutbefleckt u. mordbesudelt, Tac. – b) übtr., beflecken, besudeln, entehren, famam maculari dehonestarique, Liv.: mac. sacra loca stupro, Cic.: belli gloriam morte turpi, Nep.: partus suos parricidio, Liv. – 2) intr. fleckig sein, neque non obsoleta quoque et maculantia ex sordidiore vulgi usu ponit, veraltete u. verrostete Wörter, Gell. 16, 7, 4.