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From LSJ

βίος ἀνεόρταστος μακρὴ ὁδὸς ἀπανδόκευτος → a life without feasting is a long journey without an inn | a life without festivals is a long journey without inns | a life without festivals is a long road without inns | a life without festivity is a long road without an inn | a life without festivity is like a long road without an inn | a life without holidays is like a long road without taverns | a life without parties is a long journey without inns | a life without public holidays is a long road without hotels


Latin > English

caris caridis N F :: kind of crustacean; shrimp/prawn?; sea-crab (L+S)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

cāris: ĭdis, f., = καρίς,
I a kind of seacrab, Ov. Hal. 130.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

cāris,¹⁶ ĭdis, f. (καρίς), sorte de crevette : Ov. Hal. 132.

Latin > German (Georges)

cāris, ridis, f. (καρίς), eine Art Krabben od. Seekrebse, Ov. hal. 132.

Latin > Chinese

caris, idis. f. :: 海蝦䗫