καὶ τὸ σιγᾶν πολλάκις ἐστὶ σοφώτατον ἀνθρώπῳ νοῆσαι → and silence is often the wisest thing for a man to heed, and often is man's best wisdom to be silent, and often keeping silent is the wisest thing for a man to heed
Full diacritics: ἰτᾰμία | Medium diacritics: ἰταμία | Low diacritics: ιταμία | Capitals: ΙΤΑΜΙΑ |
Transliteration A: itamía | Transliteration B: itamia | Transliteration C: itamia | Beta Code: i)tami/a |
ἡ, A = ἰταμότης, LXXJe.29.17 (49.16).
[Seite 1274] ἡ, = ἰταμότης, LXX.
ἰτᾰμία: ῐ, ἡ, ἰταμότης, Ἑβδ. (Ἱερ. ΚΘ΄, 15).
ἰταμία, ἡ (Α) ιταμός