From LSJ
τὸ πλῆθος οὐκ εὐαρίθμητον ἦν → the crowd wasn't easy to count, the crowd was not small, it was not a small crowd
English (LSJ)
ἡ, (
A δέχομαι 11) place where one lies in wait, lurking-place, δεδεγμένος ἐν προδοκῇσιν Il.4.107.
German (Pape)
[Seite 716] ἡ, Ort, wo man Einem auflauert, bes. dem Wilde, αἶγα πέτρης ἐκβαίνοντα δεδεγμένος ἐν προδοκῇσιν, Il. 4, 107.