
From LSJ

ἐν δὲ δικαιοσύνῃ συλλήβδην πᾶσ' ἀρετὴ ἔνι → in justice is all virtue found in sum, in justice is every virtue there is, in justice every virtue is brought together, justice contains in itself all the virtues

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Full diacritics: βουπρόσωπος Medium diacritics: βουπρόσωπος Low diacritics: βουπρόσωπος Capitals: ΒΟΥΠΡΟΣΩΠΟΣ
Transliteration A: bouprósōpos Transliteration B: bouprosōpos Transliteration C: vouprosopos Beta Code: boupro/swpos

English (LSJ)

βουπρόσωπον, with the face of an ox or cow, Porph.Abst.3.16 (βοο- codd.), Lyd.Mens.4.46, Phlp. in GA185.11.

Spanish (DGE)

• Alolema(s): βοο- T.Sal.18.1 (ap. crít.)
con cabeza de toro o vaca de divinidades egipcias, Porph.Abst.3.16, στοιχεῖα de seres primigenios T.Sal.l.c., Τύχη Lyd.Mens.4.46, cf. Phlp.in GA 185.11, Hsch.s.u. βούπρῳρος.

German (Pape)

[Seite 459] mit einem Ochsengesichte, Lyd. de mens. p. 192.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

βουπρόσωπος: -ον, ὁ ἔχων τὸ πρόσωπον βοός, Πορφ. π. Ἀποχ. 3. 16, Ἰω. Λυδ.