From LSJ
πᾶσά τε ἐπιστήμη χωριζομένη δικαιοσύνης καὶ τῆς ἄλλης ἀρετῆς πανουργία, οὐ σοφία φαίνεται → every knowledge, when separated from justice and the other virtues, ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom | every form of knowledge when sundered from justice and the rest of virtue is seen to be plain roguery rather than wisdom
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
at long distances apart: P. διὰ πολλοῦ.
stand apart: P. and V. ἀφίστα.σθαι, ἀποστατεῖν (Plato).
German > Latin
apart, I) = abgesondert, s. absondern. – II) ungewöhnlich: a) v. Speisen: bellus. – wenn du etwas Apartes hast, so bring es, si quid belli habes, affer. – b) v. Pers., heikel im Benehmen: fastidiosus. – a. tun, fastidire: gegen jmd a. tun, fastidiosum esse in alqm; fastidire alqm.