
From LSJ

τὸν καπνὸν φεύγων εἰς τὸ πῦρ ἐνέπεσεν → out of the frying pan into the fire, from the frying pan into the fire


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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P. and V. συνετός, σοφός, P. ὀξύς, Ar. and P. φρόνιμος; see clever, prudent.

Latin > English

astute astutius, astutissime ADV :: cunningly, craftily, cleverly, astutely

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

astūtē: adv., v. astutus.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

astūtē,¹⁴ avec ruse, avec astuce, adroitement : Pl. Epid. 281, etc. ; Ter. Eun. 509 ; Cic. Cæc. 4 ; Att. 10, 6, 1, etc. || astutius Varro L. 10, 13 ; Aug. Civ. 15, 13 ; astutissime Gell. 18, 4, 10 ; Aug. Civ. 19, 5.

Latin > German (Georges)

astūtē, Adv. m. Compar. u. Superl. (astutus), listig, schlau, docte atque astute cavere, Plaut.: satis astute aggredi alqm, Ter.: nihil nec temere dicere, nec astute reticere debeo, Cic.: astutius ponere alqd, Varr. LL. 10, 13: astutissime componere alqd, Gell. 18, 4, 10: quod ille astutissime excogitavit, Lact. 1, 22, 23.