inopportune Search Google

From LSJ

τοῦ δὲ πολέμου οἱ καιροὶ οὐ μενετοί → in war, opportunities won't wait | the chances of war will not wait (Thucydides 1.142.2)


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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P. and V. ἄκαιρος, V. ἔξωρος.

premature: P. and V. ἄωρος; see unseasonable.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ĭnopportūnē, mal à propos : Aug. Faust. 22, 72.

Latin > German (Georges)

inopportūnē, Adv. (inopportunus), ungelegen, Augustin. c. Faust. 22, 72 in.; qu. euang. 2, 18.