οὐκ ἐν τῷ πολλῷ τὸ εὖ, ἀλλ' ἐν τῷ εὖ τὸ πολύ → good is not found in plenty but plenty in good, quality matters more than quantity
in outline: P. τύπῳ, ἐν τύπῳ.
roughly, cheaply: P. and V. φαύλως.
boorishly: Ar. and P. ἀγροίκως, σκαιῶς, P. φορτικῶς, ἀμούσως, P. and V. ἀπαιδεύτως. Ar. σκαιῶς.
harshly: P. and V. πικρῶς, P. τραχέως.