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αἰτήσεις ἀκοὐεις σῶν ἱκετῶν· ταχἐως συνδραμεῖς ἀναπαὐων εὐεργετῶν· ἰάματα παρἐχεις, Ἱερἀρχα, τῇ πρὀς Θεὀν παρρησἰᾳ κοσμοὐμενος → You hear the prayers of your suppliants; quickly you come to their assistance, bringing relief and benefits; you provide the remedies, Archbishop, since you are endowed with free access to God.

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Latest revision as of 19:03, 9 December 2020

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for brain - Opens in new window


P. and V. ἐγκέφαλος, ὁ, V. μυελός, ὁ.

Met., P. and V. νοῦς, ὁ, Ar. and V. φρήν, ἡ, or pl. (rare P.); see mind.