orbiculus: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

τὸ λακωνίζειν πολὺ μᾶλλόν ἐστιν φιλοσοφεῖν ἢ φιλογυμναστεῖν → to behave like a Lacedaemonian is much more to love wisdom than to love gymnastics (Plato, Protagoras 342e6)

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|gf=<b>orbĭcŭlus</b>,¹⁴ ī, dim. de [[orbis]], petite roue, roulette, poulie : [[Cato]] Agr. 3, 6 ; Col. Rust. 4, 30, 4 ; Vitr. Arch. 10, 2, 1 || rondelle : Plin. 25, 148.
|gf=<b>orbĭcŭlus</b>,¹⁴ ī, dim. de [[orbis]], petite roue, roulette, poulie : [[Cato]] Agr. 3, 6 ; Col. Rust. 4, 30, 4 ; Vitr. Arch. 10, 2, 1 &#124;&#124; rondelle : Plin. 25, 148.||rondelle : Plin. 25, 148.

Revision as of 07:36, 14 August 2017

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

orbĭcŭlus: i, m.
dim. orbis,
I a small disk; a sheave, roller, pulley, etc. (anteclass. and post-Aug.), Cato, R. R. 3, 6; 22, 2; Col. 4, 30, 4; Vitr. 10, 5: radix concisa in orbiculos, cut in little disks or slices, Plin. 25, 13, 94, § 148; Inscr. Orell. 2519.— Esp., the nave of a wheel, Vitr. 10, 2, 9.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

orbĭcŭlus,¹⁴ ī, dim. de orbis, petite roue, roulette, poulie : Cato Agr. 3, 6 ; Col. Rust. 4, 30, 4 ; Vitr. Arch. 10, 2, 1 || rondelle : Plin. 25, 148.