ὁμοῦ ἦν καὶ ἔχειν τὴν πόλιν καὶ τὸ γένος ὅλον μετὰ τῆς πόλεως → it was much the same thing to have the city and to have the whole race together with the city
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. and V. ἀσαφής, ἄδηλος, V. δυσμαθής, ἄσημος, ἀξύμβλητος, δυστόπαστος, δυσεύρετος, ψελλός.
Bulgarian: несвързан, непоследователен; Catalan: incoherent; Chinese Mandarin: 不连贯的; Czech: nesoudržný, nesouvislý; Danish: usammenhængende; Esperanto: nekohera; Finnish: ristiriitainen, epäjohdonmukainen; French: incohérent, décousu; Galician: incoherente; German: inkohärent, unzusammenhängend, unlogisch, unvereinbar; Greek: ασυνάρτητος; Ancient Greek: ἀδιεξέταστος, ἀκατάλληλος, ἀνυπόστατος, ἀξυγκρότητος, ἀξύστατος, ἀσύνακτος, ἀσυνάρτητος, ἀσύστατος, διάσπαστος, διάφωνος, ἐπεισοδιώδης; Italian: incoerente, sconclusionato; Maori: parure, whakaparure, nakunaku, ngau; Polish: niekoherentny, nieścisły; Portuguese: incoerente; Russian: бессвязный, несвязный; Spanish: incoherente, inconexo, deshilvanado, descosido; Swedish: osammanhängande; Welsh: digyswllt, anghysylltiol