οὐ μακαριεῖς τὸν γέροντα, καθ' ὅσον γηράσκων τελευτᾷ, ἀλλ' εἰ τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς συμπεπλήρωται· ἕνεκα γὰρ χρόνου πάντες ἐσμὲν ἄωροι → do not count happy the old man who dies in old age, unless he is full of goods; in fact we are all unripe in regards to time
Latin > English
sacellum sacelli N N :: shrine
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
săcellum: i, n.
dim. sacrum,
I a little sanctuary, i. e. a small uncovered place consecrated to a divinity; a chapel: sacellum est locus parvus deo sacratus cum āra, Trebatius ap. Gell. 6, 12, 5: sacella dicuntur loca diis sacrata sine tecto, Fest. p. 318, and Paul. ex Fest. p. 319 Müll.; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 37: sunt loca publica urbis, sunt sacella, Cic. Agr. 2, 14, 36; cf. Liv. 40, 51 fin.: exaugurare fana sacellaque statuit, id. 1, 55: Caeciliam Metelli exisse in quoddam sacellum ominis capiendi causā, Cic. Div. 1, 46, 104: et quo—sed faciles Nymphae risere—sacello, Verg. E. 3, 9 Forbig. ad loc.: Atheniensium muros ex sacellis sepulchrisque constitisse, Nep. Them. 6, 6: flore sacella tego, Prop. 4 (5), 3, 57: incultum, id. 2, 19, 13: Quirini, Fest. s. v. Quirinalis porta, p. 254 Müll.; cf. Liv. 5, 40: Naeniae deae, Fest. p. 163 Müll.; Tac. H. 3, 74; Ov. F. 1, 275; Juv. 13, 232.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
săcellum,¹¹ ī, n. (dim. de sacrum), petite enceinte consacrée, avec un autel ; petit sanctuaire [cf. Gell. 6, 2, 5 || sans toit : Fest. 318 ] : Cic. Agr. 2, 36 ; Div. 1, 104.
Latin > German (Georges)
sacellum, ī, n. (Demin. v. sacrum, s. Prisc. 3, 38), ein heiliger, umschlossener u. mit einem Altar versehener Ort, das kleine Heiligtum, die kleine Kapelle, Cic. u.a.
Latin > Chinese
sacellum, i. n. (sacer.) :: 小堂