κοινὴ γὰρ ἡ τύχη καὶ τὸ μέλλον ἀόρατον → fortune is common to all, the future is unknown | fortune is common to all and the future unknown | fate is common to all and the future unknown
P. and V. δεινός, σοφός, ἀγαθός, ἄκρος (Plato), Ar. and P. δεξιός, V. εὔχειρ, P. τεχνικός; see skilled.
of things, well wrought: P. and V. καλός, ποικίλος, V. δαίδαλος.
clever, artistic: P. τεχνικός.
accomplished: P. and V. μουσικός; see accomplished.