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συνετῶν μὲν ἀνδρῶν, πρὶν γενέσθαι τὰ δυσχερῆ, προνοῆσαι ὅπως μὴ γένηται· ἀνδρείων δέ, γενόμενα εὖ θέσθαι → it is the part of prudent men, before difficulties arise, to provide against their arising; and of courageous men to deal with them when they have arisen

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Full diacritics: ἐντεύχω Medium diacritics: ἐντεύχω Low diacritics: εντεύχω Capitals: ΕΝΤΕΥΧΩ
Transliteration A: enteúchō Transliteration B: enteuchō Transliteration C: enteycho Beta Code: e)nteu/xw

English (LSJ)

produce, ἐρυθήματα Archig. ap. Orib.8.1.1 (Pass.).

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἐντεύχω: παράγω ἐντός τινος, προξενῶ, ἐρυθήματα ἐντεῦξον Ἀρετ. Ὀξ. Νούσ. Θεραπευτ. 1. 2.

Spanish (DGE)

1 provocar, causar τὸ ἐπίπλασμα ... ὠκέως ἐρυθήματα ἐντεῦξον la cataplasma que provocará rápidamente eritemas Aret.CA 1.2.14.
2 perf. med. estar equipado o armado Hsch.s.u. ἐντετεύχηται (cj., cód. ἐντῆσθαι· ὥπλισται).