
From LSJ

ἐπ' αὐτὸν ἥκεις τὸν βατῆρα τῆς θύρας → you've come to the crux of the matter, come to the point, hit the nail on the head, you've come to the very threshold of the door, you are come to the very threshold of the door, you've arrived at the truth of the matter

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Full diacritics: κελευσματικῶς Medium diacritics: κελευσματικῶς Low diacritics: κελευσματικώς Capitals: ΚΕΛΕΥΣΜΑΤΙΚΩΣ
Transliteration A: keleusmatikō̂s Transliteration B: keleusmatikōs Transliteration C: kelefsmatikos Beta Code: keleusmatikw=s

English (LSJ)

Adv. by way of command, Eust.1080.63.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1415] befehlend, Eust. 1080, 63.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

κελευσματικῶς: Ἐπίρρ., διὰ κελεύσματος, προστακτικῶς διὰ προστάγματος, Εὐστ. 1080. 63.

Greek Monolingual

κελευσματικῶς (Μ) επίρρ. με κέλευσμα, προστακτικά.
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < κελευσματικός < κέλευσμα.