ἡρώϊον Search Google

From LSJ

ἐξ ὀνύχων λέοντα τεκμαίρεσθαι → judge by the claws, judge by a slight but characteristic mark, small traits give the clue to the character of a person, deduce something from a small indication, identify a lion from its claws

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Full diacritics: ἡρώϊον Medium diacritics: ἡρώϊον Low diacritics: ηρώιον Capitals: ΗΡΩΙΟΝ
Transliteration A: hērṓïon Transliteration B: hērōion Transliteration C: iroion Beta Code: h(rw/i+on

English (LSJ)

Ionic for ἡρῷον.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

ἡρώϊον: τό ион. = ἡρῷον.

German (Pape)

τό, ion. = ἡρῷον.