Ὁ δὲ μὴ δυνάμενος κοινωνεῖν ἢ μηδὲν δεόμενος δι' αὐτάρκειαν οὐθὲν μέρος πόλεως, ὥστε ἢ θηρίον ἢ θεός → Whoever is incapable of associating, or has no need to because of self-sufficiency, is no part of a state; so he is either a beast or a god
ης (ἡ) :l'Ossa, mont de Thessalie.
Ossa, a mountain in Thessaly, Od. 11.315.
Ὄσσα: ἡ Осса (гора в сев.-вост. Фессалии) Hom. etc.